Every story has a balance of light and shade. All brands have a story to tell and can tell it with light. At Reggiani we always have bright ideas to transform your space, and create great experiences for you.
Confirming our strong relationship with the retail world, we bring ‘Our bright new ideas’ – on the Düsseldorf stage of EuroShop 2017, the leading global trade fair for retailers and their partners. We celebrate the 50th anniversary of EuroShop with a tailored look and concept together with new product proposals. The creative concept designed together with our partner Dalziel & Pow starts from our mission to show how light can change experiences and spaces and engage our interlocutor into an open and constructive dialogue: Light + Shade, the effect of contrasted light and shadow to create a personal interaction between consumers and a product. While the light area shows how an environment can feel bright and alive, the shade area shows how light can elevate products creating a striking and emotional space.
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